The Large-Jawed Woman has lost it, O Anteater of the Sacred Insects of the Outer Rings! There has been a shift in her personal relationship status that has truly startled Minion Wannabe Bruce, who said, and I quote, O Grand Shovel:
"Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl, you in trouble
The Boy Friend has taken his truck and left for parts unknown, leaving the Large-Jawed Woman to her own devices. He apparently clawed his way out from under her (see previous post, Your Magnitude) and has taken up residence in another part of the area. This leaves the Large-Jawed Woman with only the Elderly One, and that is apparently not enough. She rages, and carries on about her supposed abusers, taunting their legal representative and daring him to prove that she has maligned
Minion Bruce and I respectfully request to be relieved from our duties here at the Base Camp.
Your faithful, but increasingly worried, minion ---