Sunday, January 24, 2010

So there I stood . . .

. . . just arrived, and not knowing what to do with myself. I knew that I was destined for great things on this planet --- err, LOS ANGELES --- but I didn't know how to get myself started. At that time there were no Grand Shovels to point the way to my future greatness, so I had to figure things out on my own. Anyway, while I was standing there I was approached by an older gentleman who cast a speculative eye upon me, as if sizing me up to determine what use I could be put to. As I said, I was simply dressed in a jumpsuit from home. It was constructed of a shimmery, rainbow colored pattern. I suppose I looked young and innocent in my finery, and since I stand only four feet tall, perhaps the older gentleman mistook me for a child. At any rate, his first words were, "Do you need a Daddy?" As he spoke his words were instantly translated by the Universal Communications Device implanted in my head (you call it a pocket dictionary here in California), and I smiled back as I understood him to offer to be as a father to me. Indeed, the bus station seemed filled with older gentlemen approaching those of us just off the bus --- I saw a girl holding all of her worldly goods in a feed sack also meeting one. "Gosh," I thought, "Los Angeles is much friendlier than we knew back home!"

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