Things are a little rough here at the base camp, O Boy Toy of the Lords of Theta! The Main Squeeze is no longer speaking to the Large-Jawed Woman after they were followed back to the base camp from the courtroom the other day. Two very well-dressed Terran women in a silver Lexus trailed after the Large-Jawed Woman's conveyance. Just before we left I heard one of them say to the other, "Get in the car, sister of my heart, and for God's sake will you put that candle in the back seat?" The Large-Jawed Woman is NOT HAPPY these days, as court appearances are being demanded with alarming frequency, and eviction notices nailed to the front door of the base camp.
Meanwhile, the two-headed baby has developed some interesting appearance issues. There is simply no getting past the family resemblance to his mother, but the Main Squeeze is now concerned as to the identity of the father. The Large-Jawed Woman just keeps saying "Oh fer Gawd's sake, I made the whole damn thing
up!" but then the imaginary two-headed baby burps fire or brimstone shoots out of its
bleepnat and sets its diapers on fire. The Main Squeeze now calls it "Rosemary's Babies" for some reason.
Your faithful minion, Illuminati