Tuesday, December 2, 2014

There's only one problem with her request, O Mighty Garden Implement of the Elder Deities!

This does not seem to have crossed her mind. The Main Squeeze, however, has retreated to the outside, muttering something about being "crazy as a coot", whatever a coot may be.

Your faithful Minion,



  1. To the unidentified sender:

    We're getting some bad static up here. I think we intercepted your signal. There was another ship -- er, car -- up here, but it took off a few miblats ago. So we'll try to help you if we can.

  2. Your name is hard to handle in Terran, so I took the liberty of running it through our Terrselator. I think there's a little problem with the software. In Terran your name is Rosweld. Or Glenda.

    Anyhoo, can you tell me what's up with your situation?

  3. Oh, thank you, thank you, Grand Shovel.

    It's like this, you see. My people wanted to know more about the people on this wor -- er, in this country -- so I was sent here to check things out. To go unnoticed, we sought a place of desperation where chaos reigned and that had many two-wheeled transport devices that made lots of noise. The coordinates brought me to a place that is called Palmdale.

    Right now I am sitting by a large strip of hard material on barren ground which has many four wheel transports moving on it. There is a large green object rising up from the ground in front of me with the writing Palmdale Next 3 Exits.

    What should I do?

  4. I will send my minion Daryn to assist you. It may take a while, as he can be hard to find when there's work to be done. Stay put.

    If you get hungry, in the dirt you will find small six-legged creatures with two claws. A Palmdale specialty. They are both delicious and nutritious.

    Your Lord and Master, the Grand Shovel, must sign off now. I'm suddenly kind of hungry.
