Saturday, August 18, 2012

O Mighty Shovel!!!! It is I, your most unworthy minion. Your Rotundity, it may be time to switch to Emergency Plan Alpha Tango Foxtrot Samba Rhumba. The large-jawed woman has discovered the secret connection to Minion T--- Crui--e!!!! Perhaps it is time to beam him up to the Mothership for his own protection!!! Excellent work, Your Niftiness, with the placing of Minion Paul Ryan into the Romney campaign. The Mormons are so alien themselves that Minion Paul will never be detected as one, even though you would have to be Helen Keller to look at his face and not think "otherworldly". Our secret plan to take over this miserable mudball is in full swing! Returning to my observation post, which is actually in the back of Bruce's truck. I know, but you haven't exactly been sending me the quadloosI need to rent an actual apartment, Your Minginess, so I have to take advantage of the fact that Bruce is trying to take advantage of me. Oops, here he comes! More later! Your faithful minion, Illuminati


  1. My Rotundity?!?, you small-minded, small-membered excuse for a Brzittshlumpht.

    You only wish The TC One was a mere minion. He is He Who Is A Thetan Level 7. A SEVEN, do you hear?

    And why bring the Mormons into this? Are their sister-wives not burden enough? Nag, swap, nag, swap all day long. Sheesh.

  2. Forgive your unworthy minion, Your Lissomness. And please beg Master Thetan C-u-s- to forgive me for diminishing his enormous standing. The word around the minion water cooler is that he is having a rough time since Katie escaped. I mean left. LEFT!

  3. Also, Your Svelteness, who is kidding whom with the 7. 6, tops.

  4. For your information, short hairs, I was present when The TC One was bench-pres . . . er, I mean elevated . . . to a Seven. And we do not speak of the Atie-kay on the ship. Make a note.

  5. Illuminati, you fool! This "truck driver" Bruce friend of yours is not what you think. We just got a memo. There was an unfortunate typographical error in the Thetan-Huma . . . er, English . . . translation database. "Truck" is not the English word for grunmurch. It's the English word for grubnurch!!!

    This explains much.
