Monday, August 5, 2013

Greetings, Your Shake 'n' Bakeyness! It is I, your faithful minion and soon to be direct-to-video film star! We have finished shooting Forever Palmdale at last, and if I do say so myself, I think Mr. Spielburg may have discovered unknown talents within me, which is kind of coincidentally what Bruce used to say, too. There's talk of a sequel! The working title is Beyond Burbank --- Large Jawed Woman II, Electric Boogaloo! , but Mr. S. says we have to wait and see how we do against Smurfs 2 next weekend, but he's not worried. Anyway, on the last day of the shoot the Large Jawed Woman and Minion Bronson kind of got into a little bit of a food fight. Honestly, I don't mean to tattle on another minion, but it was really his fault. He tried to pry her hands off a donut, and he knows better than to get between the Large Jawed Woman and sugared comestibles. The next thing he knew, she had yanked him across the food cart and smashed his face into the onion dip. By the time that the grips were able to pull her off him, poor minion Bronson's face mask had slipped a little bit, so to protect his identity he stuck his head into the Frito bowl until it was covered with delicious corn treats, then took off running as fast as his multiple legs would carry him. Now that the movie is over, they've closed down the concession cart, so the Large Jawed Woman has returned to our latest hideout domestic residence. I'm a little worried about her. She's back to spending hours at the computer, talking to herself in different voices. I know, same old, same old, but she has also tacked a photograph of some bare-chested bald guy on horseback to the wall. She'll stare at it for hours, muttering things like "I'll be with you soon!" and "Oppress the gays for me, my love!" Any instructions? Your faithful minion, Illuminati


  1. This blog created by Rob Moshein says a lot who he is as a human being. He's a criminal stalker. He publishes lies on the web and lies in court documents and tells a man who told him he is going to murder a person this creep Rob Moshein hates, where he could find this person and how to murder and or harm this person. This Rob Moshein publishes people's social security number and this blog proves he has a lot of sexual hang ups not to mention insecurities. This Rob Moshein is a nobody from Austin Texas who a Judge in Texas called a liar and he's had a restraining order slapped on him for the lies he has published on the web. This freak, Rob Moshien is just that, a freak.

  2. The person who posted the Anonymous comment above is wearing a tinfoil hat even as she types it. There is nothing on this blog to suggest it has anything to do with her, unless we are supposed to think anyone is being trailed by aliens, for God's sake.

  3. This Rebecca Jordan is a stalker and a member of Bob Atchison's Alexander Palace Time Machine history forum. This person knows for a fact this web blog was created about Oma Hamou by Rob Moshein another member of Bob Atchison's Alexander Palace Time Machine and who is of course his domestic life partner. A criminal complaint has been filed against the author of this web blog and other members of Bob Atchison's Alexander Palace Time Machine. One way or another the FBI and others in law enforcement are going to learn if they haven't already who is the author of this web blog and his/her connection with Oma Hamou.

  4. Rebecca Jordan will probably turn out to be some creepy old man. Did you know creating multiple fake web accounts on different social media networks is considered a crime especially if the police can link one to another, you know, prove it. :)

  5. Well, I'm certainly no spring chicken, sweetie, but definitely a woman. And you have filed a criminal complaint against someone who purports to be a space alien? Hilarious. And speaking of fun facts, "Anonymous", did you know that fraud, destruction of private property, theft and cruelty to animals are all criminal activities? And how fortunate! All of these charges HAVE been proven against the person in question. Who of course isn't YOU, "Anonymous".

  6. A criminal complaint with the FBI has been filed against a Rebecca Jordan which is not your real name. It is a name you use to hide behind to criminally stalk and harass to name but a few. And as for the criminal charges which you purport have been proven against the person in question no they haven't. Chew on that!

  7. "The person in question"???? And sorry, but it is my real name, "Anonymous". Furthermore, O mysterious poster, the last person I stalked was Alec Baldwin after I saw him in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE on Broadway a few years ago. Well worth it, if he's on your coast.

  8. Rebecca Jordan is not your real name!!

  9. You seem to have me confused with someone else who used the name "Rebecca Jordan" as an alias, "Anonymous". :) Rebecca Jordan has been my name since I was born, girlfriend. I was never married. Or baptized into a different religion and changed my name. Or just decided I liked the sound of a name so I picked it out the blue and signed bad checks with it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
