Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This is your faithful minion requesting immediate extraction, Oh Grand Hood Ornament of the Gods! The Large-Jawed Woman is about to blow, Your Immensity! And I don't mean that in the sense that it usually means with You Know Who! For the past three days she has been sitting in front of the computer playing a game the Terrans people from this quadrant of the global sphere refer to as "online poker". We had gone to our favorite dispensary of comestibles, the one that bears the numerical insignia seven and eleven in an attractive design, and while purchasing a sack of the cheesy fried snacks of the immortals, the Large-Jawed Woman somehow found herself in possession of the wallet of a Mr. Esteban de la Hoya Montego Martinez Blanco y Venezuela Rodriguez, who in his turn may have dropped it after his purchase of something called a 40. When we left the comestible dispensary it somehow was in her shoulder bag, and after the Large-Jawed Woman opened it she fished out a plastic card that the locals use to purchase goods, and I heard her say "Jackpot! Come to Momma!" And then we came back to our dwelling and she used the number to enter the poker game. But things haven't gone well at all, Grand Shovel! She has lost game after game of the "online poker", and each time she does, the Large-Jawed Woman screams about how she needs money, Supreme-Deity-damnit! And now she just keeps yelling at the computer screen about female dogs and pork-laden animals. I think she is losing her small spherical playing devices, O Beauty Mark of the Inner Asteroids. And I don't want to complain or anything, but Minion Bronson keeps hovering around and I think he is going to blow my cover. She now thinks that I am some sort of hallucination that only she can see. For some reason, she has taken to calling me "Harvey". However, Minion Bronson keeps peeking in the windows and making faces at me, and sooner or later the Large-Jawed Woman will see his reflection in the computer screen and the whole thing is going to take a significant turn for the worse. I thought that Minion Bronson had been recalled to the Mother Ship. And we've run out of cheesy snacks.


  1. This blog was created by Robert Mark Moshein aka the Austin Wine Guy aka Tonya Hoochie aka Gilbert MacDuff and so many others...

  2. Created it because he is so obsessed with Oma Hamou

  3. This is COMPLETELY UNFAIR, Illuminati, and don't think that I am going to let you off the hook once we get back to the home pla --- FRANCE!!!!

