Monday, February 23, 2015

So the Large-Jawed Woman wasn't invited to the Oscars, but there was an enigmatic after-party, O Lord of the Nose Hairs of Theta! "Glenda" and I attended, wearing festive native attire to blend in. It wasn't very interesting, although the Large-Jawed Woman did do a lot of sputtering about how the "gays" (whatever those are) control Hollywood, and have stopped her career from happening. Minion Bruce said that the Large-Jawed Woman is full of it, and that the "gays" (whatever those are) could have only helped the Large-Jawed Woman by steering her away from what he called "questionable fashion choices" (whatever those are). Anyhow, O Heterosexual of Heterosexuals, here are some photos from the after party given by the Large-Jawed Woman.

I provided some music with a Terran instrument. "Glenda" also donned a matching outfit, but we made the mistake of not going formal, as you can see from the pictures of the Large-Jawed Woman's Main Squeeze, who changed from his normal daily attire into something Oscar-worthy. The Large-Jawed Woman wore a matching outfit, but wasn't quite finished with her hair when the paparazzi arrived, so she also posed for a headshot later. And finally, there is a picture of the table spread! It was some party!

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