Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Greetings, O Rump of Donald Trump!

So this keeps happening! The Large-Jawed Woman keeps finding random pools with the gates left open, grabs a violin and jumps in, screaming something about how "if a Terran named fucking Esther Williams could have a damn career in movie musicals so can she!!" and then she starts to fiddle but forgets to swim and . . . well, you get the idea, O Marco on the Hindquarters of a Rubio!

Minion Wannabe Bruce says we should just "let her country ass sink", but I am not sure that is the correct way to handle this, so I insist that we fish her out with the skimmer's net that is usually right near by. One time we were caught by the pool boy on duty at the mansion, a very nice young man named Esteban who struck up quite a conversation with Bruce, so much so that they are going to Puerto Vallarta this weekend, but that's another story . . . anyway, what should we do in the future, O Cruz Control of the Inner Rings?

Your Faithful Minion,


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