Tuesday, April 2, 2013

O Grand and Glorious One, Sorry for the long silence on my end, Your Flatulence, but I have been deeply undercover now for months, and mercy me, O Harbinger of Hilarity, six of my nine eyes have been permanently damaged by the experience. Oh, the sights I have seen! I spent most of the winter disguised as a sofa cushion on the Large-Jawed Woman's covertible bed outside on the front porch of the Littlerock dwelling, and let me tell you, it was rough. Not only did I have to endure her rather enormous asspharti descending upon me at regular intervals, and the occasional Cheetoh rammed up my nose when she accidentally dropped them during a feeding frenzy, she also hid the bodies of small felines and canines behind the sofa in an effort to keep the forces of Animal Justice from uncovering them during their regular visits to her domicile. Actually, though, I think the Large-Jawed Woman was grateful for the attention. She would swipe cages that they brought to remove her animals and stuff them down her jeans. Later she would sell them, thereby purchasing the electrical current she needs to maintain her computational device and the never-ending war with her enemies. The numbers of which increaseth daily and droppeth like the dew from above. She has now succeeded in annoying the ASPCA in the neighboring five counties, all of her neighbors upon her former street, and some poor Terran who approached her outside of Kinko's to ask the time, and whom she drove before her screaming about how she was the victim of stalking. All he could say was "Geeze, lady, lady, please, lady, I just wanted to buy some paper clips!" but the Large-Jawed Woman would not be mollified. And now here we sit in a cave out in the desert. It's not bad, it reminds me of Denbar VIII and the happy times I spent there with Minion Tom Cruise under the Rings of Roombath. I am now disguised as a rock, but frankly, O Mighty Shovel, I could probably sit in front of her with Christmas lights around my neck and she wouldn't even notice. All she does is wear a tinfoil hat and throw darts at pictures of Terrans. They are labeled with names like "Mitzi" and "Huiko" and "Blake". She kind of laughs to herself a lot too. To tell you the truth, I'm a little afraid. Can I come in from the cold now? Your faithful Minion, Illuminati


  1. This libelous site was created by the hand of one of my psycho stalkers rob moshein and is a strong piece of evidence against him. He has created 14 libelous to promote his hatred and agenda. There is nothing funny about this blog in fact it is terrifying as this bastard has solicited others to commit crimes against me. His friend who told him and me he will murder me a court slapped a permanent restraining order on him. Reading this blog scares me when you put it inside a legal timeline of my history with this nut and his domestic life partner. This blog proves what a dangerous criminal stalker rob moshein is.

    1. And as for my being followed to Kinko's has followed me on different occasions. When he came up to me at Kinko's I froze in terror not knowing if he was going to assault me. This and the above post was published by Oma Hanoi.

  2. O Anonymous One Who Slaughtereth the Helpless Small Terran Beasts, you are interfering with communications with the Mother Ship!

  3. You are nothing but a sick pervert a coward

  4. Nothing about this blog is funny nothing!

  5. O Mighty Shovel, I have cast large handfuls of the orange cheese flavored Snacks of Delight favored by the Large Jawed Woman before her, so as to distract her when I shed my disguise and scuttle --- uh, RUN, for the door --- but she continues to glare suspiciously in the direction of the pile of dirty laundry under which I have secreted myself! WHAT NOW?

  6. It has quieted down at last, O Wedgie of the Outer Spheres. Large Jaw has fallen asleep at last in front of her computational device amidst a small heap of empty cans that formerly held the Nectar of the Gods, Bud Light (a particularly good choice, if I may say so, given her recent increase in avoirdupois ---FRENCH ! ). She is face down in a small Terran culinary treat referred to as a Papa John's Special , which has left decorative trails of tomato sauce and the occasional pepperoni in her greying tresses. The occasional snuffle or small belch is all that disturbs the peace of this desert night.

  7. This recent web post terifies me as I am not safe. To be stalked, hunted is overwhelming. Fear of this group of gay men suffocated me to the point I am gasping for air. Anyone who knows me knows I do not drink beer or any hard liquor nor do I eat Cheetos. I did have pizza tonight. Given the fact the author of this blog has conspired with others to harm is scary.

  8. Hilarious. She not only has sued herself, she can't remember the spelling of her last name. Although if you' ve used as many different monikers as Ms. Hanoi, I suppose that's a job peril that goes with the territory.

    Also, this is a very weird blog. But sorry, Ho-ma Chi Minh, it is funny.

