Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Greetings, O High C-note in the Aria of the Spheres! It is I, your unworthy Minion, reporting in!I have a few tiklaks, as the Large-Jawed Woman is trying on various outfits for the court tomorrow. Every so often she comes back into the front room in a new ensemble, and twirls around for the old man called Jim, who is sitting on the floor with a stuffed beagle and a fifty-pound sack of sand. Jim looks pretty bored, especially when he has to do squeaky voices and pretend that the sand and the beagle are talking, but the Large-Jawed Woman doesn't seem to notice that it is actually Jim speaking when they do. The first thing she wore was this really short skirt and a blouse cut so low you could see what I think Jim called "stretch marks". Isn't that interesting? Humans, er, Californians must have the ability to elasticize their epidermal regions! Anyway, Jim asked her "where the hell do you wear that thing?" and the Large-Jawed Woman said, "what are you bitching about? I've worn this to church!" and Jim just sort of sneered and said, "what were you supposed to be? A bad example?" and the Large-Jawed Woman got really mad, swiped an empty beer can off the top of the television device and bounced it off the wall over his head. Then she pirouetted some more and said "what do you-all think?" and Jim kind of sighed and then made the beagle say, "No fucking way! You look fucking awful!!!" and the sandbag say, "It is not a good look for Ms. Large-Jawed Woman!" The Large-Jawed Woman kind of stamped her feet and went into the back room to change again. A few tiklaks later she came out in a long black dress with a dark black veil over her head, black gloves and a black handbag, along with lime green sneakers. "You look like an Eyetalian war widow, honey. Look, this ain't Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Pick something in the middle. Ain't you got anything back there that an actual human being could wear to a trial? I mean, this ain't your first trip to that rodeo!" And the Large-Jawed Woman glared at him (I think she did, the veil was really, really thick) until he finally gave up and did the beagle voice again. "You look like a fucking asshole!" and then the sand voice, "once again, this is not the best look for Ms. Large-Jawed Woman." So she went back, and the next time she came out of the room she was wearing this really fancy dress with a hat on her head with a veil, all covered with sparkly glass and Korean flags. This time all three of them, Jim, the beagle and the sack of sand, all of them said in unison, "no fucking WAY, not AGAIN!" And the Large-Jawed Woman just kind of huffed off. Finally she came out in what I believe the humans Californians call "Daisy Dukes" with no shirt to cover her primary mammalian characteristics. And may I say, O Queso Dip of the Gods, that these primary mammalian characteristics have clearly fallen victim to the unfairly heavy gravity of this world, er, state? And Jim said, "you're not even trying, honey" and she said "but I used to wear these all the time and guys did what I wanted!" and he said "what if the judge is a chick?" and she looked like she was considering it, and then she went back to change. Will let you know how it goes, O Grand Shovel. Your Unworthy Minion, Illuminati P.S. Nice work getting Minion Bronson reassigned to work for Minion Richard Simmons. Let's face it, he could stand lose a few liblabs!


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  4. Nothing about this site is funny or amusing and I am happy to finally learn today the identity of the person behind this libelous blog about me as I intend to file a civil harassment restraining order against this person who I am certain will turn out to be someone who has and continues to publish lies, stalk and harass me but under a different name. I wonder has the author of this piece of crap in the past me and/or committed other crimes against me while hiding behind another fake name? Chances is that he/she has. I do know what this mentally disturbed human being has published and done will be used against him/her in future litigation proceedings and that is something which was told to me by law enforcement. This person behind this libelous site about me refuses to leave me alone, refuses to cease and desist because that person is so obsessed with me hence the criminal complaint I have filed against the author (human being) of this blog which makes it that much stronger.

    Once again the photo of me in my wedding is mentioned because not only is the dress ensemble beautiful but this is a beautiful photo of me wearing that dress and they are jealous. What else is new? :roll:

    Bob Atchison said...Remember that picture of "OMA" dressed up and impersonating Alexandra?

    Handmaiden said...Image

    I never before knew that a wedding dress could be considered to be “imperial regalia.” The picture of Oma in her wedding dress was indeed used to promote the picture, but it was never imperial regalia, and a picture was needed to promote the film project in its pre-production stages. This is again, very normal behavior in Hollywood. It is not Oma that is so obsessed with with the Romanov family, it is Bob Atchison, as has been shown in court documents.

    Oma Hamou Continues by saying....Another important thing to mention, I slept in my pajama shorts and my shorts did crawl up my leg revealing a bit too much of my buttocks which normally happens to any women sleeping in pajama shorts and yes,I don't sleep with a bra on and I did step out of my house this morning and yes there is a soda can not a beer can on top of one of the televisions inside the house. Could it be that the author of this horrible creepy blog is admitting he is committing the crime of stalking me and peering through bedroom windows with high power lenses because this creep is that obsessed and that creepy not only that his web post is nothing more than evidence of the ongoing criminal harassment launched against me by some mentally disturbed human being connected to Bob Atchison. Then this group of crazies connected to Bob Atchison ask why no one in law enforcement believes them! OMG! Am I scared, damn right I am!!

    Image This image was taken during the period when the court issued a restraining order against Patrick O'Connor but his friends, Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein told him he could have people take these photos of me even though a restraining order was in place, in fact, this statement was published over and over again on Rob Moshein's libelous blog about me. Patrick sent this image and others to his friends who he knew would publish it on the web to humiliate and embarrass me but the photos published by Rob only again revealed a portion of the property, thank God we have our own. Did the author of this horrible blog take additional paparazzi photos of me this morning but this is what happened to me when I lived in Rosamond, California and they wrote all kinds of stuff on the web one thing is for certain this creepy bastard is connected to both Patrick and Bob Atchison which makes this act imagined or real a violation of the existing restraining order. I say this and counsel on my behalf will say, the author of this web blog, knew when he/she published this kind of post what it would do to me, how scared it would make, it was a message to let me know they, this sick group of men connected to Bob Atchison is either looking for me and or watching me.

  5. The above is from Oma Hamou's Web Forum About this site: http://omahamou.com/oma/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=57&start=8520
