Friday, September 6, 2013

It was a pretty quiet night, O Hickey on the Throat of All Theta. The Large-Jawed Woman would stagger awake about every half-hour, scarf down another bite of greasy pseudo-pork goodness and promptly fall back on the floor. I nibbled on a couple of the discarded styrofoam boxes, so the whole thing was a win-win. This morning she decided to try a sortie out of the house, which now requires elaborate preparations. In addition to draping a towel over the license plate on the car, the Large-Jawed Woman took a bunch of black sheets and twisted them around herself until only her eyes were visible. The first time she tried it she kind of tied up her arms so that she was basically hopping around until she could get it untangled, but with a lot of effort she managed to get a sort of flowing, Middle Eastern effect going. I don't think she saw me hop into the back seat before she drove off. Anyway, we went back to that glass store I reported about before. You know, the one where Minion Bronson is now assigned? And incidentally, Your Pulchritude, you may want to have a word with the Mighty Garden Rake about MB's technique. He is working in disguise as a fire hydrant a few feet away from the front door, and dogs keep relieving themselves of bodily fluids all over him. The Large-Jawed Woman swannned into the store, and I slipped in after her, partially blocked from the old man who runs it by her robes. He looked up and said, "Can I help you?" The Large-Jawed Woman said, "It's me, Jim." The old man started to laugh so hard I thought his ventricles would collapse. "What the hell are you supposed to be?" "They're AFTER me!" she said in a nettled tone of voice. "I can't go out without disguise! Forget about it. Can I borrow ten bucks?" "Nope," the old man said shortly. "Not one more dime." "But this time I am going to sue and WIN! I will have all the money in the world!!! I can pay you back!!!" "The last time you told me that it turned out you were suing yourself, Peep-Eye." He paused, and looked out the store window. "Is it my imagination, or did that fire hydrant just kick that dog?" "Five buck, then. Come on, five stinking buck." "Not a dime, sister." "Would you like to buy a carousel horse, then?" "No. I still have ten you gave me three years ago." "What about a towel from a restroom in a real Palace in Russia?" "I use those to polish the carousel horses," Jim said in a flat voice. "Now take a hike, Fatima. And make sure the iguana goes with you."


  1. Your a real sick bastard Rob Moshein and prove you are harassing Oma Hamou and by posting this post does it mean you violated a restraining like you've done in the past?

  2. This post is directed to Oma Hamou and is abusive and harassing and in clear violation of a restraining order. Rob Moshein doesn't care, he told his friend he could harm Oma Hamou even though that friend of his had a restraining order issued against him, Rob told him, no, there is no restraining order, do what I say, the Los Angeles Sheriff's department in Palmdale have told me they don't like Oma, they won't do nothing, harm the bitch, yes, he told his friend to harm the bitch because his friend put it in writing.
