Monday, September 15, 2014

Your Faithful Minion has been on the job, O Grand Shovel, and has unearthed the real reason for the Large-Jawed Woman's all-consuming rage! This article was culled from the internet, O Thunder Thighs of Theta, and explains ALL!: "Trannyshack founder and drag queen Heklina woke up this morning to discover her Facebook profile page had been completely erased from existence. She’d heard of this happening to other queens in her community last week. Then Facebook sent her a personal message last Thursday that asked her to revert to her birth name, as well. She says she tried to comply with that request by keeping her drag name and then adding her last name, Grygelko. However, adding her last name as a compromise didn’t seem to be enough for the social network giant. Her entire profile is now gone. And she says she has no way of reaching out to her other drag queen friends because she doesn’t even know what their birth names are. “I’ve had this name for 20 years now,” she says. “I walk down the street and people say ‘Hi Heklina.’ People know me by my drag name.” She says asking her to revert to her birth name is akin to not acknowledging her as a person." Apparently the Large-Jawed Woman is bitter because she herself has suffered at the hands of the Book of Face in her drag persona as "Divina Tsarina"! She and the other drag royalty have been algorithmically discovered! The Book of Face sees all! It knows all!!! And it could tell that the picture of the Large-Jawed Woman as an imperial drag queen was just that!

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