Monday, November 9, 2015

Greetings, O Mighty One! 'tis I, your faithful minion! It's been a quiet weekend here at the outpost. The Large-Jawed Woman has been dragging out pictures from her distant youth. Here on Earth, I mean here in general, it is customary for the humans to be raised in pods created by two members who reproduce themselves in their offspring, passing their genetic materials along in a fairly haphazard manner that can result in oddities. For example, the jaw. The Large-Jawed Woman seems to have been from a fairly messy DNA pool:

This began to manifest itself even further as she reached her teen years:

It does not appear, however, that the familial bonds maintain themselves as the offspring leave the environment in which they are "raised". The Large-Jawed Woman's parental units are on record as having denounced her behaviors, which did not accord with the teachings of the book the natives use for guidance. It details the life and teachings of the "god" they worship instead of the Lords of Theta. While the Large-Jawed Woman herself does not adhere to these beliefs, at moments of stress she becomes quite sentimental about them, and frequently invokes the name of the deity. At the moment the Large-Jawed Woman is planning to vote for Leader of Her Nation for the man who most closely embodies her image of the deity.

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